subdomain and cell volumes

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subdomain and cell volumes


For some post-processing analysis, I need the volumes of the subdomains or alternately the individual cell volumes and a mapping of cells to subdomain.  I don't see volume info in the featool structure.  Is it stored somewhere or are there tools to easily do the volume calculation from the grid definitions?  I could do it manually for the subdomains but would prefer to use the model's own calculations of it for consistency and simplicity.  Thanks in advance for any tips.

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Re: subdomain and cell volumes

Precise Simulation
This post was updated on .
peteri wrote
I need the volumes of the subdomains or alternately the individual cell volumes and a mapping of cells to subdomain.  I don't see volume info in the featool structure.  Is it stored somewhere or are there tools to easily do the volume calculation from the grid definitions?  I could do it manually for the subdomains but would prefer to use the model's own calculations of it for consistency and simplicity.
You can maybe use the pre-defined reserved variable "h_grid" for the mean cell diameter and subdomain integration defined as (
    h_grid :=  cell_volume^(1/n_sdim)

If that is not sufficient you would have to calculate it manually from the mesh information defined in (
    fea.grid.p  -  grid points/vertices
    fea.grid.c  -  grid cell connectivity
    fea.grid.s  -  subdomain indices

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Re: subdomain and cell volumes

Precise Simulation
In reply to this post by peteri
To correct the previous reply, the subdomain volumes can simply be gotten from:

    n_subd = max(fea.grid.s);
    for i_subd=1:n_subd
      vol_subd(i_subd) = intsubd( '1', fea, i_subd );

or alternatively via "h_grid" and the cell volumes:

    n_sdim = size(fea.grid.p,1);
    p_centroid = squeeze(mean(reshape(fea.grid.p(:,fea.grid.c), [n_sdim,size(fea.grid.c)]), 2));
    v_cell = evalexpr( 'h_grid', p_centroid, fea ) .^ n_sdim;

    n_subd = max(fea.grid.s);
    for i_subd=1:n_subd
        vol_subd(i_subd) = sum(v_cell(fea.grid.s == i_subd));
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Re: subdomain and cell volumes

Thank you for the follow-up on this - I'll give it a try!

Another question came up regarding the FEAtool variables but I'll start a new thread.
