When I call the OpenFOAM solver, this is what I get as an answer:
Invalid option: -dry-run
FOAM exiting"
which seems odd, because this option really does NOT exist.
My FOAM installation (https://openfoam.org/download/12-ubuntu/) is working, a basic example is running.
If you need any additional info, please let me know,
For Linux systems, please follow the installation instructions and recommended distributions available from the ESI-OpenCFD website (the latest OpenFOAM Foundation distributions (openfoam.org) are not recommended as significant incompatible changes in solvers have been made). Pre-compiled packages are available for several Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE, RedHat etc. Alternatively, the solver binaries can also be compiled from source.
Please try using the distribution from openfoam.com (not openfoam.org)
P.S. Your screenshots are kind of too low resolution to read anything from.<quote author="emefff">
Unfortunately, the glibc symbols linked by the current (Matlab MCR) toolbox runtime does not seem to be forwards compatible with that required by your installed OpenFOAM version. For this to work out of the box we will have to re-compile, build, and re-package the toolbox, which will happen at the next release at earliest (as changing base compilation systems will likely render old systems incompatible instead which also isn't good).
Potential workarounds for the moment are:
- Run the toolbox in an older Linux or Windows VM.
- Manually compile OpenFOAM statically (which I don't think is supported by the OpenFOAM build system, so a lot of hacking will be required).
- Run the toolbox in an older Linux or Windows VM.
Does not make sense to me because it will slow down FEATool considerably. I tried importing larger .stp, which are already quite slow, graphically.
- Manually compile OpenFOAM statically
I have absolutly no idea how to do that, would an older version than 2406 work? I can live with that, if it works.
- Hack/relink the glibc symbols/library.
What would I have to do? Is it just a minor number of 'ln -s ...' or 50 or 100 links? Would it affect other software on the system? I think it wouldn't?