OpenFoam data folder disappearing

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OpenFoam data folder disappearing

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why do Openfoam data folders disappear when the calculation is finished? It would be very helpful if they stayed in place (/tmp/SOME_HEX_NUMBER). All the data about convergence, Courant numbers etc. is then lost too?
My notion about this is simple: there can't be any user in the world who wants this to happen.

Where does the data go to, because, obviously, it is needed later.

What if I want to export data from all stored timesteps at once?

When I revisit the SOLVE->OpeFoam settings, my previous settings are gone too? Why?

What OpenFOAM users want to do is open the whole dataset in paraFOAM (it can do that) because no info is lost. If I export my data in FEATOOL to .vtk I cannot plot streamlines anymore in ParaView (or paraFOAM), this info is lost. Therefore also, the OF data is needed,

