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Geometry Selection List Hidden Off Screen

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Geometry Selection List Hidden Off Screen

233 posts
In trying to select an embedded object (one contained in another object), I was searching the documentation and low-and-behold I saw something called a Selection List.   Since I was looking in the 1.8 pdf document I supposed that it had been eliminated in a subsequent release, since I never saw it on my 1.12.2 GUI...

Then I checked the html documentation for 1.12.2 and it was still there!  Then I maximized the GUI window and saw just the tops of the letters for "Selection" in the lower left hand corner. It is barely visible here:

So I was at once gratified and frustrated; since, try as I may, I could not bring it out from hiding.

No doubt this is due to how I have the display set. I expect I could change it to a different resolution and be able to see it.  However, the old man that I am, I'm not sure that a higher resolution would be suitable on this laptop.

Yes, I know this is a "personal problem" :-), but before I solve it by the usual means (adjusting graphics, another monitor, etc.) I thought there might be a way to rearrange the GUI sub-windows to solve it.  Like a configuration file or something that I could tweak...

Or perhaps I have misdiagnosed the problem completely.  Here is my screen resolution setting (which seems to be at the max:

Again, I realize that this is not a bug, but an inadequacy of my configuration. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,
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Re: Geometry Selection List Hidden Off Screen

Precise Simulation
644 posts
This post was updated on May 11, 2020; 6:05am.
The geometry object list selection box will unfortunately be hidden if the icons push it below the window height, for which there is no quick or easy fix.

You can create a custom function to copy the list selection box into a new figure window. This must be manually called to be updated every time the geometry objects change (name or number of objects change).

    function copy_geom_list_select()

    % Find geometry object list selection graphics handles. 
    h_list = findall(0,'Tag','list_select_gobj');
    if( isempty(h_list) ), return, end
    h_frame = get( h_list, 'Parent' );

    % Create new/clear figure.
    h_fig = findall(0,'Tag','fig_select_gobj2');
    if( isempty(h_fig) )
    h_fig = figure( 'ToolBar', 'none', ...
                    'MenuBar', 'none', ...
                    'Name', 'Select Geometry Object', ...
                    'Tag', 'fig_select_gobj2');

    % Make copy of geometry object list selection box. 
    h_frame2 = copyobj( h_frame, h_fig );
    set( h_frame2, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0,0,1,1] )
    h_list2 = get( h_frame2, 'Children' );
    set( h_list2, 'Callback', get(h_list,'Callback'), 'Tag', 'list_select_gobj2', 'FontSize', 12 )
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Re: Geometry Selection List Hidden Off Screen

233 posts
Precise Simulation wrote
The geometry object list selection box will unfortunately be hidden if the icons push it below the window height, for which there is no quick or easy fix.

You can create a custom function to copy the list selection box into a new figure window. This must be manually called to be updated every time the geometry objects change (name or number of objects change).

    function copy_geom_list_select()

    % Find geometry object list selection graphics handles. 
    h_list = findall(0,'Tag','list_select_gobj');
    if( isempty(h_list) ), return, end
    h_frame = get( h_list, 'Parent' );

    % Create new/clear figure.
    h_fig = findall(0,'Tag','fig_select_gobj2');
    if( isempty(h_fig) )
    h_fig = figure( 'ToolBar', 'none', ...
                    'MenuBar', 'none', ...
                    'Name', 'Select Geometry Object', ...
                    'Tag', 'fig_select_gobj2');

    % Make copy of geometry object list selection box. 
    h_frame2 = copyobj( h_frame, h_fig );
    set( h_frame2, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0,0,1,1] )
    h_list2 = get( h_frame2, 'Children' );
    set( h_list2, 'Callback', get(h_list,'Callback'), 'Tag', 'list_select_gobj2', 'FontSize', 12 )
Thank you for working this alternative out for me. As I have been functioning without it :-) I imagine that I can do without it on many occasions. This script gives me a quick and easy way to take a peak when needed.

But one important question: The reason I went looking for it was because I needed to select one of the geometric objects that I could not select using the cursor because it was embedded in other object(s). If I create this list using the script, will I be able to select items from it? or just view it?

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Re: Geometry Selection List Hidden Off Screen

233 posts
randress wrote
But one important question: The reason I went looking for it was because I needed to select one of the geometric objects that I could not select using the cursor because it was embedded in other object(s). If I create this list using the script, will I be able to select items from it? or just view it?
Based on my results, objects can indeed be selected from the manually created selection list!

Thanks again,
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Re: Geometry Selection List Hidden Off Screen

233 posts
In reply to this post by randress
Precise Simulation wrote
The geometry object list selection box will unfortunately be hidden if the icons push it below the window height, for which there is no quick or easy fix.

You can create a custom function to copy the list selection box into a new figure window. This must be manually called to be updated every time the geometry objects change (name or number of objects change).
Not now you don't!  Thanks for the Selection list popout window you put into build 1.12.2 (134)

Nice :-)