In another thread ( )
Precise Simulation wrote
If your desired cutplane is aligned with the x, y, or z axis you should already be able to do this with the existing capabilities, as for example:
1) Make an in-place copy of the object you want to split using the "Copy/Transform Object..." button or menu item.
2) Create two blocks that touch along the plane you want to split, but extend a bit beyond the object in the other 5 directions/planes.
3) Subtract one block from the orginal object, and the other from the copy.
4) You should now be left with two halves of the original object split along the plane where the two blocks touched.
I am trying to use this technique to place a surface/cut-plane/boundary in the middle of a rod (cylinder) perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. Conductivity of both sub-domain halves is set to that of copper, the boundary condition created by this technique is set to "Continuity", and 1 microvolt is placed across the ends of the rod. All seems well until I post process the result which shows an unexpected reduction in current density at the added boundary/surface:

...zooming in

From file:
cylinderSlicedSolvedWeakMiddle.feaHere is the result of a problem similar in all respects except for the added boundary:

From file:
cylinderUnsliced.feaDid I err when generating the slice? I can try again and save a construction script if there is not enough information in the .fea file.
Kind regards,