I have attached a .fea of an example problem
postplotProblem.fea. Using the GUI I can plot the results and view the animation. Instead of using the GUI I would like to use the postplot() and postanimate() functions, because I want to change the caxis setting to fixed values instead of auto. From the documentation it isn't clear if I'm supposed to provide a string or a vector so:
postplot(fea,'caxis',[55 500]) vs postplot(fea,'caxis','[55 500]')
However regardless of of whether I provide a string or a vector I always get the following error:
Error using featool
Nothing to plot.
Error in featool
Error in featool
Error in featool
Error in postplot (line 70)
[varargout{:}] = featool( 'feval', 'postplot', varargin{:} );
I also get this for any value pair that I try, for example:
If I call postplot(fea) a new figure is created with the default settings.
If I call postanimate(fea) I just get the nothing to plot error again.
I'm sure I am missing something totally obvious.
As always thank you for your help,