I can find no reference to
geom_split_object beyond its mention in the documentation (v 1.12):
file geom_split_object.m
GEOM_SPLIT_OBJECT Split composite geometry object.
and the content of the MATLAB script/function file ("geom_split_object.m") itself:
function [ varargout ] = geom_split_object( varargin )
%GEOM_SPLIT_OBJECT Split composite geometry object.
% Copyright 2013-2020 Precise Simulation, Ltd.
if( ~nargin && ~nargout ), help geom_split_object, return, end
varargout = cell( 1, nargout );
[varargout{:}] = featool( 'feval', 'geom_split_object', varargin{:} );
if( ~nargout ), clear varargout; end
Does anyone know whether it is meant to provide a useful function to the user? If "yes", then is there other documentation or an example of its use?
Kind regards,