bridge scour(sedimentation) model

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bridge scour(sedimentation) model

MS Kwon
Is it possible to simulate scour and sedimentation like the link below? If not yet possible, do you have any plans to apply?
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Re: bridge scour(sedimentation) model

Precise Simulation
Hi Ms Kwon,

Thank you for your question and interest in the software toolbox. We are not aware of anyone using FEATool Multiphysics to perform sediment simulations, but then again we typically only hear from users when there are issues. However, looking at the paper you attached it seems it would require some turbulence model modifications coupled with an equation for concentration for the sedimentation model. This would likely be best implemented in the OpenFOAM CFD framework, but as we don't get much requests for such simulation there currently are no concrete plans on the roadmap to implement it.