See thread
Grid import failed [Edit: Mar 23, 2020 ~23:45Z]
Just to clarify: Following the directions from, I ran Gmsh on a Windows system, I merged a STEP file from, generated the mesh and exported it to the file "spanner.msh", a text file that had lines terminated with \r\n (CRLF). Then on the same Windows PC I ran FEATool (standalone, v 1.11, 19.07.210) and attempted to import the "spanner.msh" which failed. I then downloaded the "spanner.msh" file from which imported just fine. I then found that the file file from had only \n (LF) at line end. Once I stripped the CRLF down to LF only on the Gmsh file, it worked too.
BTW I found how to add dos2unix to the Windows context menu (right click) "Send to" sub-menu here: .
I have yet to verify that the same problem exists when creating a .geo file from Gmsh and importing it to the FEATool geometry stage OR when attempting to import an "stl" file into FEATool.