close all
fea.sdim = {'x' 'y'};
gobj = gobj_rectangle( 0, 1, 0, 1, 'R1' );
fea = geom_add_gobj( fea, gobj );
fea.grid = gridgen( fea, 'gridgen', 'default','quad',0, 'hmax', 0.1, 'grading', 0.3 );
%% Equation settings
fea = addphys( fea, @customeqn, { 'u' } );
fea.phys.ce.dvar = { 'u' };
fea.phys.ce.eqn.seqn = 'u'' + (ux_x + uy_y) = sin(x)+q';
fea = addphys( fea, @customeqn, { 'q' } );
fea.phys.ce2.dvar = { 'q' };
fea.phys.ce2.eqn.seqn = 'q'' + (qx_x + qy_y)=sin(x)*u';
fea.phys.ce.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce', '', '', {''}, ...
{ 1, 0, 1, 0 }, [], ...
{ 0 , @periodic_bc2, 0, 0 } };
fea.phys.ce2.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce2', '', '', {''}, ...
{ 1, 0, 1, 0 }, [], ...
{ 0 , @periodic_bc2, 0, 0 } };
% fea.phys.ce.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce', '', '', {''}, ...
% { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, [], ...
% { 0 , 0, 0, 0 } };
% fea.phys.ce2.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce2', '', '', {''}, ...
% { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, [], ...
% { 0 , 0, 0, 0 } };
fea = parsephys( fea );
fea = parseprob( fea );
fea.sol.u = solvestat( fea, 'nsolve',1);
% fea.sol.u = solvestat( fea, 'nsolve',2);
postplot( fea, 'surfexpr', 'u', 'title', 'surface: Dependent variable, u', 'solnum', 1 );
postplot( fea, 'surfexpr', 'q', 'title', 'surface: Dependent variable, q','solnum', 1 );
function [ A, f, prob ] = periodic_bc2( A, f, prob, i_dvar, i_bdr, solve_step )
if( i_bdr~=2 || solve_step~=1 ) % Only process boundaries 1 ( and 3 ) in
return % the step directly before linear solver.
j_bdr = 4;
if( isstruct(A) )
A = sparse( A.rows, A.cols, A.vals, A.size(1), A.size(2) );
bdrm = prob.bdr.bdrm{i_dvar};
ndof = prob.eqn.ndof;
dof_offset = sum( prob.eqn.ndof(1:(i_dvar-1)) );
ix_i = find( bdrm(3,:)==i_bdr ); % Index to dofs on boundary i_bdr.
[~,itmp] = unique(bdrm(4,ix_i)); % Remove duplicate/shared points (optional).
ix_i = sort( ix_i(itmp) ); % Sort index.
for i=1:numel(ix_i)
ix = ix_i(i);
x_i(i) = evalexpr0( 'y', bdrm(6:end,ix), [], bdrm(1,ix), bdrm(2,ix), prob );
ix_j = find( bdrm(3,:)==j_bdr ); % Index to dofs on boundary j_bdr.
[~,itmp] = unique(bdrm(4,ix_j)); % Remove duplicate/shared points (optional).
ix_j = sort( ix_j(itmp) ); % Sort index.
ix_ij = zeros( size(ix_i) ); % Index linking i and j dofs.
for j=1:numel(ix_j)
ix = ix_j(j);
x_j = evalexpr0( 'y', bdrm(6:end,ix), [], bdrm(1,ix), bdrm(2,ix), prob );
[~,ix_ij_j] = min( abs( x_i - x_j ) );
ix_ij(ix_ij_j) = ix;
idofs = bdrm(4,ix_i) + dof_offset;
jdofs = bdrm(4,ix_ij) + dof_offset;
[~,imin] = min(x_i);
[~,imax] = max(x_i);
ind_rem = [imin imax];
idofs(ind_rem) = [];
jdofs(ind_rem) = [];
A(jdofs,:) = A(idofs,:) + A(jdofs,:);
f(jdofs) = f(idofs) + f(jdofs);
A(idofs,:) = 0;
A(sub2ind(size(A),idofs,idofs)) = 1;
A(sub2ind(size(A),idofs,jdofs)) = -1;
f(idofs) = 0;