Why Periodic BCs does not converge when using the Newton solver?

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Why Periodic BCs does not converge when using the Newton solver?

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   I encountered difficulties in using Periodic BCs. In two dependent variable case, Periodic BCs  can only converge in very simple equations (one time Newton to converge). If the equations are nonlinear, it does not converge. For example, in a rectangle(0, 1, 0, 1) region, two simple Poisson- equations. It can converge with all DirBCs. If changing to Periodic BCs (Left =Right, using ex_swirl_flow3.m), it does not converge. The code is

fea.phys.ce.eqn.seqn = 'u'' + (ux_x + uy_y) = sin(x)+q';
fea.phys.ce2.eqn.seqn = 'q'' + (qx_x + qy_y)=sin(x)*u';
fea.phys.ce.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce', '', '', {''}, ...
                         { 1, 0,      1, 0 }, [], ...
                         { 0    , @periodic_bc, 0,    0     } };

fea.phys.ce2.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce2', '', '', {''}, ...
                         { 1, 0,      1, 0 }, [], ...
                         { 0    , @periodic_bc, 0,    0    } };

The Newton solver:

fea.sol.u = solvestat( fea, 'nsolve',2);

if( i_bdr~=2 || solve_step~=1 )  
j_bdr = 4;

If 'nsolve' to be 1 or -1, it can converge. However, if using the Newton solver, it does not converge. I can not find the reason. The pure Newton solver is important for other related problems.
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Re: Why Periodic BCs does not converge when using the Newton solver?

Precise Simulation
It is not really clear what example you are referring to. swirl_flow3 does include periodic boundary conditions on top and bottom but is a time dependent problem and does not use the Newton method. If possible, please include a *full* example to diagnose issues.
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Re: Why Periodic BCs does not converge when using the Newton solver?


close all
fea.sdim = {'x' 'y'};
gobj = gobj_rectangle( 0, 1, 0, 1, 'R1' );
fea = geom_add_gobj( fea, gobj );
fea.grid = gridgen( fea, 'gridgen', 'default','quad',0, 'hmax', 0.1, 'grading', 0.3 );

%% Equation settings
fea = addphys( fea, @customeqn, { 'u' } );
fea.phys.ce.dvar = { 'u' };
fea.phys.ce.eqn.seqn = 'u'' + (ux_x + uy_y) = sin(x)+q';

fea = addphys( fea, @customeqn, { 'q' } );
fea.phys.ce2.dvar = { 'q' };
fea.phys.ce2.eqn.seqn = 'q'' + (qx_x + qy_y)=sin(x)*u';

fea.phys.ce.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce', '', '', {''}, ...
                         { 1, 0,      1, 0 }, [], ...
                         { 0    , @periodic_bc2, 0,    0     } };

fea.phys.ce2.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce2', '', '', {''}, ...
                         { 1, 0,      1, 0 }, [], ...
                         { 0    , @periodic_bc2, 0,    0    } };

% fea.phys.ce.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce', '', '', {''}, ...
%                          { 1, 1,      1, 1 }, [], ...
%                          { 0    , 0, 0,    0     } };
% fea.phys.ce2.bdr.coef = { 'bcnd_ce2', '', '', {''}, ...
%                          { 1, 1,      1, 1 }, [], ...
%                          { 0    , 0, 0,    0    } };

fea = parsephys( fea );
fea = parseprob( fea );
fea.sol.u = solvestat( fea, 'nsolve',1);
% fea.sol.u = solvestat( fea, 'nsolve',2);

postplot( fea, 'surfexpr', 'u', 'title', 'surface: Dependent variable, u', 'solnum', 1 );

postplot( fea, 'surfexpr', 'q', 'title', 'surface: Dependent variable, q','solnum', 1 );

function [ A, f, prob ] = periodic_bc2( A, f, prob, i_dvar, i_bdr, solve_step )
if( i_bdr~=2 || solve_step~=1 )   % Only process boundaries 1 ( and 3 ) in
  return                          % the step directly before linear solver.

j_bdr = 4;

if( isstruct(A) )
  A = sparse( A.rows, A.cols, A.vals, A.size(1), A.size(2) );

bdrm = prob.bdr.bdrm{i_dvar};
ndof = prob.eqn.ndof;

dof_offset = sum( prob.eqn.ndof(1:(i_dvar-1)) );

ix_i     = find( bdrm(3,:)==i_bdr );   % Index to dofs on boundary i_bdr.
[~,itmp] = unique(bdrm(4,ix_i));       % Remove duplicate/shared points (optional).
ix_i     = sort( ix_i(itmp) );         % Sort index.
for i=1:numel(ix_i)
  ix = ix_i(i);
  x_i(i) = evalexpr0( 'y', bdrm(6:end,ix), [], bdrm(1,ix), bdrm(2,ix), prob );

ix_j     = find( bdrm(3,:)==j_bdr );   % Index to dofs on boundary j_bdr.
[~,itmp] = unique(bdrm(4,ix_j));       % Remove duplicate/shared points (optional).
ix_j     = sort( ix_j(itmp) );         % Sort index.
ix_ij    = zeros( size(ix_i) );        % Index linking i and j dofs.
for j=1:numel(ix_j)
  ix = ix_j(j);
  x_j = evalexpr0( 'y', bdrm(6:end,ix), [], bdrm(1,ix), bdrm(2,ix), prob );

  [~,ix_ij_j] = min( abs( x_i - x_j ) );
  ix_ij(ix_ij_j) = ix;
idofs = bdrm(4,ix_i)  + dof_offset;

jdofs = bdrm(4,ix_ij) + dof_offset;

[~,imin] = min(x_i);
[~,imax] = max(x_i);
ind_rem = [imin imax];
idofs(ind_rem) = [];
jdofs(ind_rem) = [];

A(jdofs,:) = A(idofs,:) + A(jdofs,:);
f(jdofs)   = f(idofs)   + f(jdofs);

A(idofs,:) = 0;
A(sub2ind(size(A),idofs,idofs)) =  1;
A(sub2ind(size(A),idofs,jdofs)) = -1;

f(idofs) = 0;


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Re: Why Periodic BCs does not converge when using the Newton solver?

Precise Simulation
Thank you for reporting. We have identified an issue with the Newton solver and solver hooks, and will include a correction in the next update later this year.
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Re: Why Periodic BCs does not converge when using the Newton solver?

Thank you. Looking forward to the next release.