StoneFrench wrote
Can you provide some clarification on the use of gridbdr for renaming the boundaries? I looked up the inputs for gridbdr and used gridbdr(grid.p,grid.c,grid.a); to call out the p,c,a terms. However this doesn't appear to reset the boundary overcount. Looking at the fix_bdr portion of the inputs it states that it is a logical but does not state for what exactly? Lastly, looking at b0, I am assuming this is the input for the boundaries that the user intends to merge back together based on the fix_bdr logic condition?
The gridbdr syntax would something of the form:
th = 50; % Separation angle (degrees).
grid.b = gridbdr(grid.p, grid.c, grid.a, atan(th*pi/180));
The angle "th" will determine the effective angle at which the boundaries will be recomputed. "fix_bdr" is a logical or boolean scalar (0/1) that bypasses the boundary splitting and assigns all boundary edges/faces to boundary 1, effectively "grid.b(3,:) = 1;".
StoneFrench wrote
Second, I attempted to run the model with the extra boundaries and I am running into an issue I did not expect. Even though the end of the model is considered to be outflow/pressure=0, the flow is not traveling within the domain at all after being input at the opposite end. I confirmed my input and outputs were correct but it appears to be acting as if the model has no outflow parameters. Please let me know what your thoughts are.
From only the picture, it looks like the case where only the initial conditions have been returned (as can happen if the solver fails for some reason).