Shear rate around cylinder (radial shear rate), Navier Stokes

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Shear rate around cylinder (radial shear rate), Navier Stokes

I'm trying to calculate the radial shear rate around a cylinder in laminar flow.

COMSOL stores the shear rate directly when solving the NS equation (e.g.

Does FEATool store something similar in the background or is there an easy way to calculate it based on the grid and velocity field?

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Re: Shear rate around cylinder (radial shear rate), Navier Stokes

Precise Simulation
The shear rate is pre-defined in the Non-Newtonian flow physics mode available in version 1.15 and later. If you want to use shear rate in another physics mode, then you can copy the non-Newtonian expression for "gamma" from the "Subdomain Settings" dialog box, and define a equivalent custom expression in your physics mode.