Queries about software license

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Queries about software license

Dear FEATool Officer,

My name is Natee Panagant from Khon Kaen University, Thailand.
I have some question about license of the FEATool.

1) Is the FEATool is freeware?
2) Do I need to pay any additional charge, if I want to use the FEATool in my research?

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Re: Queries about software license

Precise Simulation
This post was updated on .
Dear Natee, Thank you for your questions and interest in using FEATool Multiphysics in your research.

1) Although FEATool Multiphysics may seem like a quite simple software, it unfortunately requires a lot of expertise, time, and dedication to develop which is entirely funded and dependent on paid software licensing. So although there is no charge for limited trial and evaluation use and completely free to download, there are some restrictions on trial functionality, namely:
  • Saving to the binary .fea file format
  • (binary files are more convenient as they include geometry, mesh, and solution data)
  • Command line scripting (running FEATool functions in MATLAB m-file scripts)
  • Using external solvers, such as OpenFOAM and FEniCS
  • Geometry, mesh, and FEA/solution data export
2) Using FEATool for any form of paid work (whether direct and indirect, including salaried research work) requires a full (paid) license as per the license agreement. Note that if you belong to a degree granting institution you are eligible for an academic discount.

์Natee_Panagant wrote
Dear FEATool Officer, My name is Natee Panagant from Khon Kaen University, Thailand. I have some question about license of the FEATool. 1) Is the FEATool is freeware? 2) Do I need to pay any additional charge, if I want to use the FEATool in my research? Natee