I have a couple of questions about the Point/Line Evaluation capability.
First, is this illustrated in one of the Tutorials?
The next is about the documentation for Point/Line Evaluation (
https://www.featool.com/doc) shown below:
featool.com/doc wrote
Point/Line Evaluation
Allows both pre and user-defined expressions to be evaluated on single points or lines. Coordinates for the evaluation points can be entered as space separated vectors for each space dimension in the corresponding edit fields. The Solution Number/Time to evaluate can be selected in the drop-down listbox. The result will be printed in the Evaluation Result field as well as the command log in the main GUI. By selecting one or more of the Boundaries in the left hand side listbox, evaluation points at the boundaries will automatically be used.
The example given (shown above) shows 4 result values. However, there seem to be only 3 specified "x" coordinates "0:0.001:0.06" paired with a single "0.005" y coordinate. Does that not identify only 3 locations (0, 0.005), (0.001, 0.005), and (0.06, 0.005)?
Kind regards,