How to really Link FEATool on Matlab with OpenFoam ?

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How to really Link FEATool on Matlab with OpenFoam ?


I'd really like to have a detailed installation guide for linking OpenFoam with FEATool. I know, there is a short documentation, but I haven't the foggiest Idea what

'For MacOS systems OpenFOAM needs to be compiled from source and installed in the folder /opt/openfoam'

means. I'm also not into system programming that much, thus a step by step installation with terminal on Mac
would be really nice. :D
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Re: How to really Link FEATool on Matlab with OpenFoam ?

Precise Simulation
Thank you for trying the software. Unfortunately OpenFOAM is quite difficult to get running properly on Mac, we hope to be able provide better instructions at a later date, when the ARM port is done. In the mean time it would be recommended to use a Linux VM or try following the official instructions from the official OpenFOAM developers.