FSI Solver Unsupported

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FSI Solver Unsupported


I am running FEATool Multiphysics version 1.14.0, MATLAB_R2019a on a Mac.

In the solve mode, when I run the FSI solver, it says "Incompatible MEX files detected (for additional linear solvers). Full functionality should still be available with the builtin solvers".

When running featool ttests, it passed all tests except the FSI one. It gave the following message:
40 - 06_Multiphysics/07_fluid_structure1 ................ ERROR   in   48.4 seconds

         ERROR > Could not find unique uicontrol with identifier tstep

How do I solve this issue? Or how can I use the builtin solvers for full functionality - like the warning message claims?

Thanks.Warning message
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Re: FSI Solver Unsupported

Precise Simulation
Thank you for trying the toolbox. FSI models currently use an external solver which is compiled as Matlab MEX files (Matlab style of dynamic shared libraries). Unfortunately MEX compatibility is especially tricky for MAC and should ideally be re-compiled for each system, Matlab, and even OS version which currently is not possible with the available resources. If you have access to a Windows or Linux computer, or use a virtual machine (such as VirtualBox or VMWare) it might work better.