mdiez wrote
In my 2D convection-diffusion model I have two adjacent subdomains: in one I set the diffusivity in tensor form as you suggest, and in the other subdomain I intend to set the diffusivity as a single coefficient, but when I edit the equation it sets the same equation form for both subdomains.
Currently the design is such as you must have the same equation for all subdomains (for each dependent variable). However, you can make your coefficients (Dxx, Dxy ...) different in each subdomain, so if you enter an anisotropic system as above. And define your coefficients using the "Model Constants and Expressions" dialog as (space separated between different subdomain values):
Name: Expression:
Dxx D1 Dxx2
Dxy 0 Dxy2
Dyx 0 Dyx2
Dyy D1 Dyy2
you will get the isotropic diffusion with coefficient D1 in subdomain 1, and use a corresponding anisotropic diffusion tensor in subdomain 2.