Convection-Diffusion Analysis combined with Turbulent Flow Analysis

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Convection-Diffusion Analysis combined with Turbulent Flow Analysis

Hi. I need your help. I want to perform a convection-diffusion analysis combined with a turbulent flow analysis using OpenFoam built in FEA Multitool physics. I can combine a convection-diffusion analysis with a laminar flow analysis. When I tried to run a convection-diffusion analysis combined with a turbulent flow analysis, I see the error below. Is there any mean to combine a convection-diffusion analysis with turbulent flow analysis using FEA Multitool Physics? I think if flow vectors can be calculated, it is possible to combine it with convection-diffusion analysis.

Error Message: openfoam: only support for a single Navier-Stokes, non-Newtonian flow or Compressible Euler physics mode.
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Re: Convection-Diffusion Analysis combined with Turbulent Flow Analysis

Precise Simulation
You can currently not use external solvers (OpenFOAM, FEniCS, SU2) together (at the same time) with the built-in multiphysics solver. However, you can use the solution from one solver as input to another, for example using the flow field computed by OpenFOAM with the built-in heat transfer physics mode as shown in the multi-simulation example:
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Re: Convection-Diffusion Analysis combined with Turbulent Flow Analysis

Thanks and I apologize for the delayed response. The attached video does not perform the heat transfer analysis using the turbulent flow analysis results. Is it possible to apply the results of turbulent flow analysis obtained by using OpenFoam to subsequent analysis such as heat transfer or covection-diffusion calculations? When I tried using the result from turbulent flow analysis obtained by OpenFoam I see an error message saying “only laminar flow and the algebraic turbulence model are supported with the build-in slivers. Please use the OpenFoam external solver with advanced turbulence models.”
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Re: Convection-Diffusion Analysis combined with Turbulent Flow Analysis

Precise Simulation
Yes you're right, in this case it is incompressible laminar flow that is computed with OpenFOAM. So to use a turbulence model you would just have to select the corresponding model in the OpenFOAM settings dialog box (not the Navier-Stokes physics settings dialog box). Similar to "step 16" in the Pitz and Daily turbulent flow over a backwards facing step tutorial

and then use this turbulent flow field as in the previously linked tutorial.
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Re: Convection-Diffusion Analysis combined with Turbulent Flow Analysis

Thanks. I finally am able to do it!
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Re: Convection-Diffusion Analysis combined with Turbulent Flow Analysis

Precise Simulation
That's good to hear. Please update again, if you have more questions.