Cannot use the gmsh option for meshing

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Cannot use the gmsh option for meshing

I am trying to use the built-in gmsh generator. It was working fine last week. But it is not functioning since a while now. I tried reinstalling gmsh but no use. I am getting the following errors. It seems to be writing the file but the file does not open in the featool gui.

 I really need this to work because the quad meshes from gmsh algorithm are giving me the required results and expected refinement gradients. I am really stuck since about a day on this error. I even tried meshing directly within the gmsh gui but runs into various issues. it is best if I can use the in built function. Please help!!

Grid generation error.
Could not generate a valid grid. Please try
to adjust the grid generation settings, or
select a different grid generation algorithm.

Progress: Meshing order 2 (curvilinear on)...
Info: Meshing surface 1 order 2
Progress: Meshing order 2 (curvilinear on)...
Info: Done meshing order 2 (Wall 0.00498676s, CPU 0s)
Info: 593 nodes 188 elements
Info: Writing 'featool_gmsh_CE3OO1RNSW2V.msh'...
Info: Done writing 'featool_gmsh_CE3OO1RNSW2V.msh'
Info: Done reading 'featool_gmsh_CE3OO1RNSW2V.geo'
Info: Stopped on Tue Feb 11 21:17:20 2025 (From start: Wall 0.109409s, CPU 0.078125s)
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Re: Cannot use the gmsh option for meshing

Precise Simulation

Please attach the model file you are trying to mesh, and include the mesh generation settings (mesh size) so we can confirm that it works on other systems.

Also, the "built-in" mesh generation algorithm should typically generate higher quality quadrilateral meshes than gmsh.
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Re: Cannot use the gmsh option for meshing

I tested it on a different system using the trial version of FEAtool and it seems to work. It seems to be an issue within my system.
It is definitely not an issue with the software's base package but in how it is interacting with my system.
Generally, uninstalling everything, deleting all files and doing a clean installation typically fixes such bugs. Here, that doesn't work not and I am not sure what to do in this case.  If there are any tips please give them (for example any typical checks on softwares or registry files that might block the operation of the software), otherwise I will just format the C drive and that is sure to work.
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Re: Cannot use the gmsh option for meshing

Precise Simulation
This post was updated on .
Possibly try to also delete everything from the "~/Documents/MATLAB/.featool or .cfdtool" folder (except a "license.dat" file if there is one), and also "~/Documents/MATLAB/Add-Ons/Apps/FEATool or CFDTool" toolbox folders.