Can I use FEATool for ELectrostatics simulations. I am new to FEATool.

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Can I use FEATool for ELectrostatics simulations. I am new to FEATool.

Can I do electrostatics simulations as mentioned in this paper -, using FEATool. They have used COMSOL.
For quite some time I am thinking of learning a multiphysics software. I tried Fenics, It is good but complicated. Also, compiling different packages together is a hassle. COMSOL is really good but expensive.
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Re: Can I use FEATool for ELectrostatics simulations. I am new to FEATool.

Precise Simulation
It is a little bit hard to tell, as the paper does not really describe which PDE equations or boundary conditions they are using. FEATool does include a pre-defined physics mode for electrostatics (which works with both the built-in multiphysics solver and the FEniCS API integration), or if you are familiar with the actual PDE you want to solve you could potentially modify the equations or define your own system of PDEs with the custom equation feature.