Can FEATools calculate the force between two magnets one being a coil and the other a permanent magnet?

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Can FEATools calculate the force between two magnets one being a coil and the other a permanent magnet?

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Can FEATools calculate the force between two magnets one being a coil and the other a permanent magnet?
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Re: Can FEATools calculate the force between two magnets one being a coil and the other a permanent magnet?

Precise Simulation
Can FEATools calculate the force between two magnets one being a coil and the other a permanent magnet?
There is no built-in functionality or pre-defined expressions for force calculations available at the moment, however that should certainly technically possible by using a custom expressions for the involved integrals. FEATool can in general handle all kinds of coupled PDEs and expressions of which a selection of the most commonly used ones are available as pre-defined equations. For other systems you would have to out the PDE or expression and enter it your self, for example using the custom equation functionality.
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Re: Can FEATools calculate the force between two magnets one being a coil and the other a permanent magnet?

That is disappointing.   I have no idea how to write equations to do this.  I have been using FEMM to calculate force, but was hoping to use  software that had a decent geometry interface and the ability to do 3D calcs. FEMM does the job, but it cannot handle permanent magnets (zero frequency) with ac analysis. The FEMM geometry editor is also horrible. I was hoping for something better.

It seems strange to not be able to calculate force, as magnetic force is pretty fundamental for electrical engineering design of motors and solenoids and actuators.

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Re: Can FEATools calculate the force between two magnets one being a coil and the other a permanent magnet?

Precise Simulation
rgarnett wrote
That is disappointing.   I have no idea how to write equations to do this.  I have been using FEMM to calculate force, but was hoping to use  software that had a decent geometry interface and the ability to do 3D calcs. FEMM does the job, but it cannot handle permanent magnets (zero frequency) with ac analysis. The FEMM geometry editor is also horrible. I was hoping for something better.

It seems strange to not be able to calculate force, as magnetic force is pretty fundamental for electrical engineering design of motors and solenoids and actuators.
Thank you for considering the software. A missing feature does not mean that it is deemed unimportant or unwanted. Unfortunately developing a software such as FEATool with minimal resources is very complex and time consuming (it is difficult to develop easy to use software), and with multiphysics modeling every user more or less has a different problem and priorities. Rest assured it is planned to improve the CEM modeling capabilities in a future update, and your feedback is welcome to give an idea what to prioritize.

Although I'm not too familiar with FEMM it might be possible to use the FEATool geometry and mesh generators with FEMM, until FEATool includes built-in support for those features.