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I am new to the SW (and FEA in general).
I have version featool-multiphysics-1.12.4 I installed it as a Matlab App using the FEATool Multiphysics.mlappinstall file. When I start the app, I got the following warning. Starting the FEATool Multiphysics GUI. Loading resources can take a minute . . . . . . . . Warning: Incompatible MEX files detected. Functionality such as the MUMPS linear solver and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) solver will not be available. Please change to a compatible and supported operating system and/or MATLAB version if these features are required. When I run the commend featool testt, it says FAILED with the following log file text. Most of them finished OK, some of them failed with "Error running GUI script!" Did I install it wrong? >> featool testt Test suite: tutorials_tests Test suite location: /Users/collin/Documents/Matlab Log file: /private/var/folders/z9/dkqk5hcn4ks7g9kdxg6gv5nm0000gn/T/FEATool-test.log 17-Aug-2020 11:26:06featool_log.txt tutorials_tests 1 - 01_Quickstart/01_hole_in_plate1 .................... Error running GUI script! FAILED in 34.4 seconds 2 - 01_Quickstart/02_heat_exchanger1 ................... passed in 44.8 seconds 3 - 01_Quickstart/03_axisymmetric_flow1 ................ Error running GUI script! FAILED in 31.8 seconds 4 - 01_Quickstart/04_poisson_point1 .................... passed in 15.5 seconds 5 - 01_Quickstart/05_wave_equation1 .................... passed in 16.1 seconds 6 - 02_Heat_Transfer/01_heat_transfer1 ................. passed in 13.6 seconds 7 - 02_Heat_Transfer/02_heat_transfer2 ................. passed in 17.4 seconds 8 - 02_Heat_Transfer/03_heat_transfer3 ................. passed in 49.2 seconds 9 - 02_Heat_Transfer/04_orthotropic_heat_conduction1 ... passed in 20.1 seconds 10 - 02_Heat_Transfer/05_thermal_bridge1 ................ passed in 63.8 seconds 11 - 02_Heat_Transfer/06_heat_transfer4 ................. passed in 21.8 seconds 12 - 03_Structural_Mechanics/01_euler_beam1 ............. passed in 20.5 seconds 13 - 03_Structural_Mechanics/02_bracket_deflection1 ..... passed in 37.5 seconds 14 - 03_Structural_Mechanics/03_pressure_vessel1 ........ Error running GUI script! FAILED in 35.2 seconds 15 - 03_Structural_Mechanics/04_hollow_cylinder1 ........ passed in 18.1 seconds 16 - 03_Structural_Mechanics/05_thick_plate1 ............ Error running GUI script! FAILED in 49.8 seconds 17 - 03_Structural_Mechanics/06_spanner1 ................ passed in 21.5 seconds 18 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/01_channel_flow1 ................. passed in 24.1 seconds 19 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/02_driven_cavity1 ................ passed in 37.9 seconds 20 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/03_flow_around_cylinder1 ......... passed in 33.1 seconds 21 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/04_backwards_facing_step1 ........ Error running GUI script! FAILED in 27.1 seconds 22 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/05_vortex_flow1 .................. passed in 40.1 seconds 23 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/06_airfoil1 ...................... passed in 39.2 seconds 24 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/07_compressible_euler1 ........... me3 = MException with properties: identifier: 'MATLAB:hg:shaped_arrays:Complex' message: 'Complex values are not supported.' cause: {0×1 cell} stack: [12×1 struct] ans = 'Complex values are not supported.' Error running GUI script! Error running m-script! FAILED in 170.5 seconds 25 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/08_turbulent_channel1 ............ passed in 73.5 seconds 26 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/09_turbulent_flow1 ............... ERROR in 12.5 seconds ERROR > OpenFOAM: Could not find any OpenFOAM installation. 27 - 04_Fluid_Dynamics/10_taylor_couette1 ............... passed in 122.3 seconds 28 - 05_Electromagnetics/01_spherical_capacitor1 ........ passed in 35.1 seconds 29 - 05_Electromagnetics/02_permanent_magnet1 ........... passed in 27.5 seconds 30 - 05_Electromagnetics/03_wave_guide1 ................. passed in 19.4 seconds 31 - 05_Electromagnetics/04_conducting_sphere1 .......... passed in 26.0 seconds 32 - 05_Electromagnetics/05_parallel_wires1 ............. passed in 39.1 seconds 33 - 05_Electromagnetics/06_microstrip_capacitance1 ..... passed in 36.9 seconds 34 - 06_Multiphysics/01_resistive_heating1 .............. passed in 39.7 seconds 35 - 06_Multiphysics/02_porous_flow1 .................... passed in 105.6 seconds 36 - 06_Multiphysics/03_brake_disc1 ..................... passed in 45.5 seconds 37 - 06_Multiphysics/04_natural_convection1 ............. passed in 87.3 seconds 38 - 06_Multiphysics/05_piezo_electric1 ................. passed in 32.4 seconds 39 - 06_Multiphysics/06_thermo_mechanical1 .............. passed in 18.6 seconds 40 - 06_Multiphysics/07_fluid_structure1 ................ ERROR in 21.9 seconds ERROR > Could not find unique uicontrol with identifier tstep 41 - 06_Multiphysics/08_solenoid_stress1 ................ passed in 45.9 seconds 42 - 07_Classic_PDE/01_poisson1 ......................... passed in 10.6 seconds 43 - 07_Classic_PDE/02_circular_drum1 ................... passed in 14.2 seconds 44 - 07_Classic_PDE/03_resonance1 ....................... passed in 20.2 seconds 45 - 07_Classic_PDE/04_black-scholes1 ................... passed in 12.8 seconds 46 - 07_Classic_PDE/05_shallow_water1 ................... passed in 95.6 seconds 47 - 07_Classic_PDE/06_interference_diffraction1 ........ passed in 29.0 seconds Test suite: tutorials_tests ....................................... FAILED in 1855.3 seconds Warning: Large log file truncated. Open "/Users/collin/Documents/MATLAB/.featool/featool_log.txt" in a text editor to view full log. featool_log.txt Here is the beginning of the text of featool_log.txt (not sure it actually uploaded) 7-Aug-2020 11:26:01: LC : key file does not exist. 17-Aug-2020 11:26:01: LC : key file does not exist. 17-Aug-2020 11:26:04: Starting FEATool Multiphysics, Version 1.12.4, Build Number 20.08.221 17-Aug-2020 11:26:02: System {"system":["MACI64-L","OSX_10.13.6","UnknownMacCPU","MATLAB (R2018b)"]}:F21898279916; MATLAB MATLAB (R2018b) 17-Aug-2020 11:26:02: License 17-Aug-2020 11:26:04: tempdir(W) = /private/var/folders/z9/dkqk5hcn4ks7g9kdxg6gv5nm0000gn/T/ 17-Aug-2020 11:26:04: app_home = /Users/collin/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB Add-Ons/Apps/FEAToolMultiphysics 17-Aug-2020 11:26:04: app_path(W) = /Users/collin/Documents/MATLAB/.featool Starting new model... |
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The warnings indicate that the shared Matlab mex/libraries for certain solvers can't be loaded nor used due to system incompatibilities. Most likely you can use the most functionality anyway as most of the test suite seemed to pass.
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