>> featool
Starting FEATool Multiphysics. Please be patient as loading all functionality can take a minute...
Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL.
For more information, click here
I've been getting this message since I began evaluating FEAtool using the standalone version 1.11. Now that I have Matlab and an upgraded version of FEAtool (1.12) I want to find out why.
I followed the link ('click here', above) and wound up finding and executing the following:
>> surf(peaks)
>> ax = gca;
>> info = rendererinfo(ax)
info =
struct with fields:
GraphicsRenderer: 'OpenGL Software'
Vendor: 'Microsoft Corporation'
Version: '1.1.0'
RendererDevice: 'GDI Generic'
Details: [1×1 struct]
>> info.Details
ans =
struct with fields:
HardwareSupportLevel: 'None'
SupportsDepthPeelTransparency: 0
SupportsAlignVertexCenters: 0
SupportsGraphicsSmoothing: 0
MaxTextureSize: 1024
MaxFrameBufferSize: 0
Here is the summary page of GLView for my system:
I'd like to find out
what it is bailing on.
Can you tell from this? Is there an output file or data object I can check to find out just what its complaint is with my system?
Is this is check that FEAtool does explicitly or is done my Matlab on loading/calling some library/function?
Kind regards,