Thanks again for the suggestions.
Frederic Moisy wrote
1. Boundary settings dialog box : Add « periodic boundary conditions » (for a couple of faces or edges of equal size)
Unfortunately, periodic boundary conditions are not quite easy to implement and automate in the general cases as one must have some kind of intermediate grids to map between the boundaries (as they rarely match perfectly up in higher dimensions). But it is certainly something that is planned for the future.
Frederic Moisy wrote
2. During a time-dependent computation, it would be nice if the toolbox could display the current solution at each time step: if something wrong or unwanted happens during the computation we can decide to abort it before the end.
Yes, some more solution monitoring in various forms are on the roadmap.
Frederic Moisy wrote
3. Postprocessing: option to superimpose the grid to the displayed field.
At the moment you can export the "fea" data struct to Matlab, and call the function:
this should essentially overlay the grid on the current plot. As is often the case, using the Matlab programming and scripting functionality you can achieve most things that are not possible in the GUI (the GUI will naturally always be more limited than the CLI interface).