
<macro name="download_backup_path">

<macro name="download_backup_link" dot_parameter="text" parameters="title, class">
	<a href="[n.download_backup_path/]" class="[n.class/]" rel="nofollow" title="[n.title/]"><n.default. to="[t]Download backup[/t]"><n.text/></n.default.></a>

<macro name="download_backup_page" requires="servlet">
			<n.login.><t>Only authorized users can proceed in this area.</t></n.login.>

						<t>The system is generating the backup now. When it is finished, a link to the backup file will be emailed to you.</t>
						<t>Here you can download a backup of <t.location.root_node.subject/>.</t>
						<t>When you press the button below, the system will start the generation of the backup file and
						this may take some minutes to finish. You will receive an email with a link to download the file when it is ready.</t>

						<n.form. macro="start_backup_process">
							<input type="submit" class="toolbar action-button" value="[t]Generate backup file[/t]"/>
							<a href="[n.root_node.url/]"><t>Cancel</t></a>

					<p class="light-bg-color rounded" style="padding:.5em 1em;margin-top:2em">
						<t>The backup file is generated with the <a href="">JdbcPgBackup</a> tool,
						which is an open source project in Java. You should visit the project website if you want to restore your backup
						into a Postgresql database.</t>

<macro name="start_backup_process" requires="servlet">
			<n.make_backup email="[n.visitor.user_email/]"/>

<macro name="backup email" parameters="email, file" unindent="true">
			<subject><t>Backup of <t.location.root_node.subject/></t></subject>
				<t>Dear user,</t>

				<t>Here is your backup file:</t>


				<t>The Nabble team</t>
				<t>Free Embeddable <></t> powered by Nabble

<macro name="site deletion email" parameters="file" unindent="true">
			<subject><t><t.location.root_node.subject/> has been deleted</t></subject>
				<t>Dear user,</t>

				<t>Your Nabble site "<t.location.root_node.subject/>" has been deleted.</t>

				<t>You can download a backup of this site from the link below.
					Nabble will try to keep this backup available for a few months, but this is not guaranteed.
					If this content is important to you, save this copy as soon as possible.</t>


				<t>The Nabble team</t>
				<t>Free Embeddable <></t> powered by Nabble