Multi-boundary selection

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Multi-boundary selection

It would be convenient to be able to select multiple (especially internal) boundaries which require the same condition and coefficient.

For example, a model with 104 boundaries is enclosed in a Block.

In this case,  boundaries 7 through 110 need to be set the same: "Continuity".  Each one must be selected and checked, then changed if necessary.  But, for example, being able to left-click on number 7, select "Continuity" from the drop-down, scroll down and SHIFT+left-click on 110, then "Apply" would be very nice.

Kind regards,
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Re: Multi-boundary selection

Precise Simulation
This post was updated on .
Multiple-select has been specifically disabled when having internal subdomains/boundaries active (enabled with only external boundaries), as a user could then possibly select both internal and external boundaries which typically have different number and types of boundary conditions causing a mismatch (the Matlab GUI toolkit does not allow for multiple select by groups).

However, the "Continuity" condition should be the default boundary condition for internal boundaries and should not need to be selected manually.

You can of course also manually hack the listbox to allow multiselect with something like ( )


but there is not guarantee that it won't lead to errors in Gui and model, in particular if you happen to select incompatible conditions.
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Re: Multi-boundary selection

Precise Simulation wrote
Multiple-select has been specifically disabled when having internal subdomains/boundaries active (enabled with only external boundaries), as a user could then possibly select both internal and external boundaries which typically have different number and types of boundary conditions causing a mismatch (the Matlab GUI toolkit does not allow for multiple select by groups).
...just the kind of mistake I would make :)

Precise Simulation wrote
However, the "Continuity" condition should be the default boundary condition for internal boundaries and should not need to be selected manually.
I do not think I have always found this to be the case.   For example, here is one I just created:


#1-#104 boundaries are the internals:

Note that the default for boundary #1 is "Flux discontinuity".

Precise Simulation wrote
You can of course also manually hack the listbox to allow multiselect with something like ( )


but there is not guarantee that it won't lead to errors in Gui and model, in particular if you happen to select incompatible conditions.
Thanks for the tip, but I do not think I will be doing this as a general rule (maybe for some special case)... I like the protection provided by inhibiting the multi-selection.

Kind regards,