Advanced graphics rendering disabled on featool startup

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Advanced graphics rendering disabled on featool startup

>> featool
Starting FEATool Multiphysics. Please be patient as loading all functionality can take a minute...
Warning: MATLAB has disabled some advanced graphics rendering features by switching to software OpenGL.
For more information, click here
I've been getting this message since I began evaluating FEAtool using the standalone version 1.11.  Now that I have Matlab and an upgraded version of FEAtool (1.12) I want to find out why.

I followed the link ('click here', above) and wound up finding and executing the following:

>> surf(peaks)
>> ax = gca;
>> info = rendererinfo(ax)

info = 

  struct with fields:

    GraphicsRenderer: 'OpenGL Software'
              Vendor: 'Microsoft Corporation'
             Version: '1.1.0'
      RendererDevice: 'GDI Generic'
             Details: [1×1 struct]

>> info.Details

ans = 

  struct with fields:

             HardwareSupportLevel: 'None'
    SupportsDepthPeelTransparency: 0
       SupportsAlignVertexCenters: 0
        SupportsGraphicsSmoothing: 0
                   MaxTextureSize: 1024
               MaxFrameBufferSize: 0


Here is the summary page of GLView for my system:

I'd like to find out what it is bailing on.  

Can you tell from this? Is there an output file or data object I can check to find out just what its complaint is with my system?

Is this is check that FEAtool does explicitly or is done my Matlab on loading/calling some library/function?

Kind regards,
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Re: Advanced graphics rendering disabled on featool startup

Precise Simulation
The warning message indicates that (fast) hardware OpenGL graphics (card) rendering has been disbled in favor of (slower) software based rendering. The effect would typically be slower 3D graphics.

The issue is most likely a mismatch between unsupported hardware (graphics card) and (Matlab or os) drivers/graphics libraries. Potential remedies are either upgrade your hardware (graphics card) to a supported one, or roll back Matlab/OS to an older version that might support your current hardware, or try to replace, update or "hack" Matlab drivers to support your current hardware.

Unfortunately, as this is a Matlab issue and not really direcly related to the FEATool codebase (the error will most likely appear trying to plot or visualize anything in Matlab) there is not much I can do but suggest you to try to reach out to the Mathworks support and forums for further help.
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Re: Advanced graphics rendering disabled on featool startup

Precise Simulation wrote
The issue is most likely a mismatch between unsupported hardware (graphics card) and (Matlab or os) drivers/graphics libraries.

... (the error will most likely appear trying to plot or visualize anything in Matlab)
You were quite right on both.  But after updating the NVIDIA driver, it seems happy!

>> surf(peaks)
>> featool
Starting FEATool Multiphysics. Please be patient as loading all functionality can take a minute...

So what improvement in speed should I notice? Would this be when FEAtool issues a plotxxxx?

In any case, thanks for the diagnosis.
